Saturday, August 19, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Ep. 05: In-depth analysis

The next following paragraphs will contain spoilers for those who have not seen the latest episode. And especially for those who haven't seen  the show. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out right now and stop reading this. Proceed at your own risk. You have been fairly warned.
Especially you Ella XD

With the new episode coming out soon, let's review the last one! There's hardly any action in this episode but lot's of great fan service and narrative that moves the plot along. So let's get right down to it!

The episode starts with Bronn pulling Jaime out of the water. I'm really curious how he was able to do that cause he seemed to sink pretty low in the last episode for how it ended. Maybe the armor is light? Who knows XD it's also weird that they weren't spotted by any of Dany's forces. I guess if that were the case, they'd really be screwed.

Then of course we have the aftermath of the battle and the survivors all bending the knee or not. The Tarly's stand defiant against her rule and they get flambeed XD it's too bad about Dickon. Not a smart move on his part. What's so wrong about bending the knee? You can just make a revolt later on if you're really defiant. What comes to my mind though is that Samwell Tarly could take over the house! They need someone to take over The Reach anyway with the Tyrells gone. I know what you're thinking, "but masternest, Sam's part of the Night's Watch! He can't own lands or titles or anything!" Yes that's true but if the White Walkers are all defeated, there won't be a need for the Night's Watch anymore and he could then take back his rightful place as head of House Tarly! It would be such sweet bliss as the ruler of The Reach has a say on what the Meisters do at OldTown. Oh how sweet that would be XP

Next is every fan boy/fan girl's dream. To have Jon Snow actually touch a dragon. Extra confirmation that he's a Targaryen people! So now we have two others aside from Dany who have touched dragons. Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister. Meet your dragon riders! I hope :P

Jorah is reunited with Dany after having cured his greyscale. They share a tender hug as Jon watches on. I'm sensing a bit of rivalry that's going to happen but we'll see. Love triangle anyone?

We got Bran taking control of some ravens and going on a scouting mission. He runs into the Night King who immediately senses his presence which interrupts his sight power. The first thing he does is ask for more ravens. Well, those were a lot of birds to begin with. How many more birds dos he need? XD

Sam gets fed up with the Maesters after taking all their shit (literally XD) and decides to leave with Gilly. Finally! He practically told them everything that he could and they still wouldn't believe him. So much for being the smartest people in Westeros. I just hope that there was something important that Sam could discover from one of the scrolls that he stole. Gilly discovered something important though. She found that Rhaegar had annulled his marriage to Elia Martell and performed a secret marriage which is of course with Lyanna. The implications of this would mean that Jon Snow is no bastard at all but a legitimate heir to House Targaryen. Let's see what more we can discover in the coming episodes.

At dragonstone, we have Tyrion and Varys discussing about how she might end up being exactly like the mad king Aerys. She obviously did not want to listen to Tyrion during the sentencing of the Tarlys so I'm hoping that Tyrion figures out a way around that. Otherwise, why be the Hand of the Queen? Varys then mentions that he receives a message from Winterfell saying that Arya and Bran are alive and the dead are marching close to Eastwatch.

Bronn tricks Jaime into arranging a meeting with Tyrion in the crypts. A very emotional reunion. Lot's of great acting here. You can feel the brotherly love between them despite what happened in the past. Tyrion came to try and broker a truce. Knowing Cersei, that's never going to happen. But at least Tyrion is trying.

After, he goes to Cersei about the meeting and she already knows. She had let Bronn go through with it knowing they would meet. I hope to god nothing bad happens to Bronn. She then mentions that she's pregnant with his child. I highly doubt that and it sounds like a lie cause the oracle witch she met before said that she would only have three children. I wonder what will happen to them.

Davos on the other hand, went to Fleabottom to get Gendry who had been working as a smith there the whole time. I always wondered what happened to him but now we know. He picks up a hammer just like his dear old dad and he's ready for an adventure.

Davos arrives first with Gendry at the boat that he used to smuggle in Tyrion. Some gold cloaks spot him and he bribes them but the moment they spot Tyrion, they become more accusatory so Gendry just kills them with swift blows to the head. Didn't even take five seconds and he killed them so easily. Gendry's pumped and ready for action!

Davos introduces Gendry to Jon Snow and they connect quickly with the both being bastards and their fathers being best friends with each other. Gendry decides to go with Jon on his journey north to stop the white walkers. Hmmm was this what Melisandre had envisioned for Gendry?

Then of course you have Ser Jorah giving a kiss to Dany right when Jon Snow passes by as if to say "We got history so don't even try it". Jon doesn't even mention to him that the Valyrian sword he's using used to be his family sword. I wonder if that will ever come up?

Over at Winterfell, we have Arya acting bitchy towards Sansa. Why she's starting some beef, I don't know why. I'm glad though that she suspects Littlefinger is up to no good. She decides to sneak into his room to find a secret parchment but Littlefinger had been secretly watching her the whole time which means that it's a set up! What exactly is in that scroll? Obviously Petyr is still up to his games so I think he's trying to make the Stark girls fight against each other. Hopefully Bran will see through all of it and reveal him for the slime ball he really is.

The last scene has us with Jon Snow and his team meeting up with the Brotherhood without Banners. I'm curious why it's only the three of them. What happened to the rest of their group? And what happened to that cool archer guy back in season two or three? We need more awesome archery stuff in this show.

Overall, the whole episode for me is really just one big set up for the upcoming episode which looks to be something truly epic cause they plan to try and capture a white walker. I honestly don't know how they're going to do that but one thing's for certain. The next episode is going to be action packed! Can't wait!

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