Sunday, July 30, 2017


I'm currently busy but that doesn't mean I can't send you guys some awesome stuff. In the meantime, here's a video from RHRealism called Winions. He does a lot of amazing animations so do check out his channel as well.

Winion is a term when coined by gamers when your minion units literally crowd up on the enemy base and there are no champions around to stop them thus making them win the match for you. So this is a perfect and funny representation of that and what the minions go through behind the scenes.

I'll be posting different stuff for my future posts aside from League of Legends so please do check in from time to time. Till then, keep on gaming peeps!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Back to playing League of Legends!

I've decided to get back into playing League of Legends again! Yay! There is so much to get into and re-explore when it comes to the game and I'll try to bring it all to you in the best way that I know how.

I've started playing the game during 2011. If I'm not mistaken, that was back in Season Two and I've been playing off and on since then. Recently, I've started playing it again and on my first day of coming back, here is the match history of the 5 games that I've played during that time.

I've played more since then and I'll try to keep you guys updated on how it's going but my first two games were horrible! Especially my second one where I played Pantheon. I used to be so good at him back in the day. Definitely need more practice since he's still my favorite champ. But the rest of my games have gone really well. I'd like to thank my friends too who have helped me out on my games. Their ign's (In-game name) are specifically, The Lady Reaper, Crydro, dauntless.jinx and IannaCarelle. Thanks guys!

I'll try to also post a YouTube video of my games maybe once a week? Or maybe snippets of highlights that I think are cool and noteworthy. Depends. I'm using the replay function of the game client and I've made a long highlight from it. I kinda regret doing it this way though cause the file size was so huge! (That's what she said XD) and uploading it took hours. I also had to convert it to mp4 cause it comes in a webm file format. But anyway, I really just wanted to try uploading onto YouTube. I'll make em better in the future so this will have to do for now.

Here's a link for the match:

I tried to get the replay of my latest one as MF but what I did for that match was use Xsplit to try to record the gameplay but it just ended up making me laggy in-game and the end footage was super laggy. I think it also affected the replay of the client cause I can't even download it. It keeps saying that there's some kind of error. I'm thinking it's cause of two recording programs running at the same time. Oh well. Lesson learned.

Let me try to give the details as best I can. It wasn't my best match of that day. My better one was the MF one but anyway, my buddy "The Lady Reaper" (guy who reaps ladies :p) who played as Singed went straight to the enemy jungle. Naturally I went as well to try and help him but I didn't know that he was just trolling. Got damaged by the Lux and he eventually got himself cornered and killed. My other buddy "Crydro" also went to the mid for some reason and got himself killed as well. I think he was also trolling. There are some interesting duels that I try to capture at the top with the two Yasuos and at one point I got a double kill while ganking bot :D Overall, we won due to teamwork. What doesn't show in this video is our team chat. It only shows the "All Chat" and I'm so sorry about the trash talking. It's really common in Philippine Gaming unfortunately. At least most of it is in tagalog so you won't understand unless you speak a little tagalog.

Well this'll be it for now. Thank you so much for reading and please feel free to let me know what kind of content you'd like to see on here. Is there a game you'd like me to review? Let me know! Till then, keep on gaming!