Welcome! Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my blog. This is the first time that I've decided to make a blog that revolves around games of all kinds. Hence the name of the blog, Varied Gaming.
But first, a little bit about me. I've taken up to learn Programming for College and one of the first things that they teach you is to create a simple program that gives a basic output which says "Hello, World" and I felt that it would be very appropriate to include it in my first post. It's also fitting since we will deal mostly with video games which are made up of codes. But don't worry. We will also tackle board games and role playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons.
I have a lot to learn when it comes to blogging so expect a lot of changes in the future as I aim to make things better for you. Also, I would love to hear some feedback from you. This is after all for my readers so any comments and ideas would be great. I aim to please so here we go!